Original framed painting, signed by Sofia Roe.
This painting was produced using high quality art materials, and a loose watercolour technique. Unlike many botanical illustrations which involve outlines and minute details, loose watercolour painting allows me to release my expectations of perfection and translate my feelings of what I see. It is an essence of what I see, rather than a photographic representation.
Fancy Frills Tulips, framed (43x33cm)
SKU: P52
£130.00 Regular Price
£104.00Sale Price
43 x 33 cm framed.
Made with:
- Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolour Paints which are made from the purest pigments to ensure quality and permanence
- Daler-Rowney Aquafine Watercolour Paper which is 300gsm, FSC certified (FSC-C111372), 100% virgin wood pulp, acid-free, cold pressed, and calcium carbonate buffered to prevent the deterioration of colour over time.
Do not apply any household cleaning products to this painting.
I recommend very lightly dusting paintings using a soft white cotton cloth.