Currently on loan and being exhibited at half price (£325 delivery not included). Please contact me if you wish to purchase this piece.
Original painting, signed by Sofia Roe, and accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity.
Our world is full of faults and dilemmas such as inequalities, discrimination and prejudism, health and economic problems, mistrust of expert findings, and climate change threats.
Neon Dreams conveys the importance of diversity and inclusion and focuses on human values of respect, integrity and hope through the use of multi-coloured woven threads of paint.
Primary colours have been used as our natural world is built from these colours; and blue and yellow are shades which atttract pollinating insects in the natural world.
The further inclusion of a honeycomb symbolises the divine order that governs the universe (each honeycomb cell fitting perfectly together represents the interconnection of all living things), "to build perfect honeycombs is the most wonderful of all known instincts" Charles Darwin.
Pops of neons represent characteristics of moderism and positive change.
I painted the canvas base in a rich gold paint which is only visible from the stripped masking taped sections, and conveys rays of sunlight and warmth.
This is a captivating piece which is sure to spur many conversations and opinions.
Sofia Roe paintings do not include a frame unless specifically stated in the description. Some images may have been edited into a frame, but this is just to demonstrate how it may look if framed.
Neon Dreams in Gold (40x40cm)
Acrylic on canvas frame, M
40 x 40 x 3.8cm (15.75 x 15.75 x 1.5")
Do not apply any household cleaning products to this painting.
Sofia Roe recommends lightly dusting paintings using a soft white cotton cloth.